2021 hopes to be a wonderful year of engaging life and making the most of our days in these pandemic times through our creative nature and humanness in business and family life.

I'm presently transitioning to eTraining, eKeynotes and utilizing the virtual world to connect and share ideas, build relationships and express those concepts that influence human development in many forms.

If you're planning an event that requires an eKeynote, eBreakout session or a Zoom facilitation, keep me in mind.
eKeynotes w Cath
Interactive. Reflective. Fun, not stuffy.
eTuneUps - Training w Cath
TuneUps help us reconnect with
what’s important and what works.

We tune our cars, they work better.
We tune our pianos, they play better.
We tune ourselves, we work, play and do better.
This Life keynote proves to be a fun time-out and
a refreshing oasis in the midst of living.
It’s a keynote with part chat, part rant with
lots of inspiration and fun in the mix.
Vital Signs! for Life
Vital Signs! for Stress Relief
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After nearly dying from not taking care of my own
excess stress, I learned, changed my ways and
became passionate about helping others.
Customer Care TuneUps
Series of 7 TuneUps about Customers
What’s it like to be your customer?
What skills do your customers hope you have?
How do employees hope you treat them?
The Store
Heart Hoppers
Video Draw with Cath
HeArt Fest
Murals of Appreciation
Greeting Cards
Birthdays & more...
Spread the Love
2021 Appreciation Campaign

 Spreading Appreciation Around Workplaces & Conferences
Learn more
• Very engaging. • Captured my attention.
• Kept everyone involved. • Really good information!
• The customer service mind map is really helpful in visualizing where we are and how we can improve.
• Great variety. • This can be readily used at our workplace.
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• Enjoyed your TuneUp! Keep up the terrific work! • Best session I’ve had. • My life needed this.
• Onsites • Breakouts • Dialogues
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 Human TuneUp Company 2021
Resources for Living and Working Well
Desktop FlipBooks
Sign up for the weekly TuneUp newsletter
Stress Relief and Life TuneUps
Cath & Company
Company Profile
Cath Q & A
Why TuneUps?
About Us
Contact Cath
Site Map
Contact Us
Vital Signs! Life
Stress Relief
Vital Signs Books
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TuneUp Tools
Heart Hoppers
Vital Signs Books
Greeting Cards
Heart Fest Murals
The Store
Heart Hoppers
Greeting Cards
Heart Fest Murals
Vital Signs Books
2021 Calendar
Customer Care TuneUps
People Skills
A Dialogue about Customers
Life TuneUps
A Dialogue about Life
HeArt Fest Teambuilding
Clients & Comments
Video Clips of Cath
Do Good with Us
Spread the Love
HeArt Fest
Site Map
2021 - The Year of "Everyday Love"
Cath DeStefano
• Speaker •Author •Artist